|Grab Text Attributes|: click to grab text font data. If editing text; values are applied to selected text and |local| values. If not editing, values are loaded into the |global| text values for the next created text object.
|Above Text Object|: click or drag to select text, use the |Shift| key to extend selection. To create new |text| object, move away from existing object. Use |Command| key to |grab| font values from any other text object.
|Create Text Object|: click to create |caption| text (you supply end-of-line breaks) or drag out the width of |paragraph| text, where line wraps are automatically added. Use |Command| key to release |grid snap|.
|Find Copy Object|: to copy an object, move the pointer above any object |in any document window|. Move the pointer above scroll bar to scroll background window. Move above background window size box to |cycle| windows.
# 6 Grab/replace revert
# 7 Grab/replace revert&shift
|Pointer|: You are not above an object. Click to deselect all objects (if any selected); or drag a box around objects you want to select.
|Pointer, Extended Selection|:click or drag out a box to select objects in the box. The |Shift| key adds selected objects to previous selected objects.
#6 HOtherArrow
#7 HOtherCapture
|Rotation|: press and drag the handle underneath the pointer. See |Layout| menu for |Show Size| and |Set Size Units|.
#7 ontop with shift
|Above Grab Object|: click object to grab attributes.
|Above Copy Object|: click and drag a new copy of the object.
|Above Replace Object|: by clicking, all selected objects are replaced by this object.
|Object is Locked|: you can select, but not move, a locked object. See |Unlock| command in |Arrange| menu.
|Send Object|: if no objects are selected, then click to select this object. Otherwise, clicking sends this object behind all selected objects.
|Move All Selected Objects|: press and drag all selected objects to a new location.
|Move or Select Object|: clicking deselects other objects and selects this object; press and drag to move this one object.
|Cycle Window|: click to move this document behind all other documents.
|Scroll Inactive Document|: use the scroll bar to find objects; the front document stays in front.
#20 vertical
|Scroll Horizontal|: the scroll bar allows moving left and right the entire document area.
|Scroll Vertical|: the scroll bar allows moving up and down the entire document area.
|Bring Front|: click to bring document to the front.
|Not Above Object|: click to deselect all objects.
|Stretch|: press and drag the handle underneath the pointer. See |Layout| menu for |Show Size| and |Set Size Units|.
|Bring To Front|: click to bring this document window to the front.
# 27
|Send Object Behind All Selected|: release button to send object behind other selected objects.
|Select Object for Re-Ordering|: release button to select the first object. Click on additional objects in the desired front-to-back order.
|Reposition Document View|: like pushing a piece of paper, drag the document to a new view. This is similar to using the vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
|Popup Toolbox|: drag and release on the appropriate tool; or, release the button while outside the pop up tool palette. If you hold the |Shift| key when you release, the |Toolbox| window is moved to this location.